Xcode Run Shell Only When Running with Cmd + R, and Not When Compiling with Cmd + B
Image by Clarey - hkhazo.biz.id

Xcode Run Shell Only When Running with Cmd + R, and Not When Compiling with Cmd + B

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Are you tired of Xcode running your shell script every time you compile your project with Cmd + B? Do you want to execute your script only when you run your app with Cmd + R? Well, you’re in luck because in this article, we’ll explore the solution to this specific problem.

Understanding the Problem

The.Cmd + R Difference

So, what’s the difference between running your app with Cmd + R and compiling it with Cmd + B? When you press Cmd + R, Xcode builds and runs your app. This means that it not only compiles your code but also launches the app on a simulator or a physical device. On the other hand, when you press Cmd + B, Xcode only compiles your code without running the app.

Now, you might be wondering why you’d want to run your shell script only when running your app with Cmd + R. The reason is that some scripts might take a significant amount of time to execute, and you don’t want them to slow down your development process. By running the script only when you’re ready to test your app, you can save time and boost your productivity.

The Solution

So, how do you run your shell script only when running your app with Cmd + R, and not when compiling with Cmd + B? The answer lies in customizing your scheme in Xcode.

Step 1: Open Your Scheme Editor

To get started, open your project in Xcode and navigate to Product > Scheme > Edit Scheme. This will open the Scheme Editor.

Scheme Editor

Step 2: Add a Pre-Action

In the Scheme Editor, select the Run action on the left side and click the +. button at the top right corner of the window. Select New Run Script Action.

Add Run Script Action

Step 3: Configure the Pre-Action

In the new run script action, add the following script:

if [ "${ACTION}" = "Run" ]; then
    # Your shell script here
    echo "Running shell script only when running with Cmd + R"

This script checks the current action, and if it’s a run action (i.e., Cmd + R), it executes your shell script. Replace the echo statement with your actual script.

Step 4: Move the Pre-Action

Move the new pre-action above the Run action in the list. This will ensure that your script runs before the app is launched.

Move Pre-Action

How It Works

So, how does this solution work? When you press Cmd + R, Xcode runs the pre-action script before launching the app. The script checks if the current action is a run action, and if so, it executes your shell script.

However, when you press Cmd + B, Xcode only compiles your code and doesn’t run the pre-action script. This means that your shell script won’t be executed, saving you time and resources.


In conclusion, running your shell script only when running your app with Cmd + R, and not when compiling with Cmd + B, is a matter of customizing your scheme in Xcode. By adding a pre-action script that checks the current action, you can execute your script only when you’re ready to test your app.

Remember, this solution saves you time and boosts your productivity by avoiding unnecessary script executions during the build process. Give it a try and see the difference for yourself!

Cmd + R Cmd + B
Builds and runs the app Only compiles the code
Executes the pre-action script Skips the pre-action script
Runs the shell script Does not run the shell script

This table summarizes the difference between running your app with Cmd + R and compiling it with Cmd + B. By using a pre-action script, you can take advantage of this difference to execute your shell script only when necessary.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can I use this solution for multiple targets?

A: Yes, you can use this solution for multiple targets by adding the pre-action script to each target’s scheme.

Q: Can I run multiple shell scripts?

A: Yes, you can run multiple shell scripts by adding multiple commands to the pre-action script.

Q: Can I use this solution for Swift scripts?

A: No, this solution only works for shell scripts. If you need to execute a Swift script, you’ll need to use a different approach.

Final Thoughts

In this article, we’ve explored a solution to running shell scripts only when running your app with Cmd + R, and not when compiling with Cmd + B. By customizing your scheme in Xcode, you can take control of your build process and boost your productivity.

Remember, Xcode is a powerful tool, and with a little creativity, you can automate many tasks to make your development life easier. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to unlock the secrets of Xcode and discover the answers to the most-asked questions about running shell scripts!

Why does my shell script only run when I press Cmd + R, but not when I press Cmd + B?

This is because Cmd + R (Product > Run) builds and runs your project, whereas Cmd + B (Product > Build) only builds your project. Since your shell script is likely configured to run as part of the build process, it will only execute when you press Cmd + R.

Where do I configure my shell script to run on build?

You can configure your shell script to run on build by going to your target’s Build Phases, and adding a new “Run Script” phase.

Can I make my shell script run before or after compiling?

Yes, you can! When adding a new “Run Script” phase, you can drag it to the top or bottom of the list to control when it runs relative to the compilation step.

What if I want my shell script to run every time I build, even when I press Cmd + B?

In that case, you can add a “Run Script” phase with the “Run script only when installing” checkbox deselected. This will ensure that your script runs every time you build, regardless of whether you press Cmd + R or Cmd + B.

Are there any other ways to run shell scripts in Xcode?

Yes, you can also run shell scripts as part of a Scheme, or using a third-party plugin like XcodeBuildPlugins or Fastlane. These alternatives can provide more flexibility and customization options for your build process.

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